Work With Us!

Your trusted financial partners.

Why E-Wealth?

We guide you to financial independence. You get time back to pour into your family, lifestyle, and your business.

Your trusted partner.

Our certifications give you the confidence that we are experts in a wide range of business finance.

  • Certified Financial Planner®
  • Certified Private Wealth Advisor®
  • Certified Valuation Analyst®
  • Certified Exit Planner

Your quarterback: a holistic approach.

We quarterback the relationships between your trusted advisors (CPA, attorney, M&A, etc.) so you can ensure it’s all aligned and optimized, saving you time.

Experts in business valuation and exit planning.

Your business is likely your biggest asset. We have helped clients build business value and execute the sale or transfer of their business, likely the biggest transaction of their lifetime.

Brian Adamek

Founder | Financial Planner

As the firm’s founder and lead financial planner, Brian is committed to helping clients achieve their financial goals. As an entrepreneur himself, he understands the challenges they face.

Brian has more than a decade of experience in wealth management and is credentialed in advanced planning for entrepreneurs and their families.

Brian and his wife Cassy have six (energized) children and live in Minnetonka, MN. As the father of six and being growth focused within E-Wealth Partners, Brian understands the complexities and competing priorities entrepreneurs face.

Brian graduated from Saint John’s University and played football for legendary coach John Gagliardi—winning a national championship. He stays involved within the SJU community and has served on SJU’s Alumni Board. Brian coached high school football for nearly a decade at Rosemount High School but now you will find him coaching his children’s sports (and having a lot of fun doing it!).

Brian is a member of the Entrepreneurs Organization Accelerator, Coalition9, and Financial Planning Association (FPA). The Adameks are parishioners of Holy Family Catholic Church and actively participate in discipleship opportunities.


Standards of excellence.

At E-Wealth, we are committed to serving our clients with passion for entrepreneurs supported with technical knowledge of industry best practices. Brian Adamek holds the following credentials:

Financial Planner (CFP®)

Brian has met the high standards of competency and ethics established and enforced by the CFP Board. As a CFP® professional, he acts in the client’s best interest.

Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA®)

For high-net worth clients, Brian has advanced knowledge and skills to address complex issues in investment portfolio strategy, estate planning, health transfer, and closely held business ownership.

Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA®)

As a CVA®, Brian fully understands the variety of methods used in determining the value of a business and the total estate.

Certified Exit Planner (CExP)

As a CExP professional, Brian is qualified to provide comprehensive, professionally executed exit planning services to businesses.

Connor Lantz
Connor Lantz

Financial Planner

Connor helps support our entrepreneurial couples throughout their financial journey. He's passionate about helping our clients achieve their goals, with step-by-step plans.

Originally from Colorado, Connor ventured to the Midwest to attend college at St. John’s University, where he earned a degree in business finance.

In his spare time, you can find Connor and his wife Whitney outside adventuring together–taking a good hike, canoeing through the BWCA, or skiing along the Gunflint trail. Connor's other passions include hockey, golf, hunting, and homebrewing. When he isn’t crafting his own beer at home, he’s serving it up at a local brewery in South Minneapolis.

Johnna (Jo) Swinford
Johnna (Jo) Swinford

Client Services Specialist

Along with her Certified Public Manager degree from Florida State University, Jo brings 10 years of experience in customer service to her role at E-Wealth. She helps the team work seamlessly together with her amazing organizational, and problem-solving skills.

Because Jo’s husband is a US Army veteran, they are passionate about supporting returning military personnel and their families. Jo finds volunteering with the American Legion Auxiliary connects her with other women at a personal level.

Jo has a special love for horror films. She and her sister exercise their creative skills making themed crafts like paintings, wreaths, and light furniture.

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